"Obscure Heroes" from All-Star Squadron #60 (DC, 1986) by Roy Thomas, Arvell Jones and Tony DeZuniga
The post-Crisis DCU showed up DURING an issue of All-Star Squadron, one of the series most affected by the Crisis. So I thought it'd be relevant to the discussion to show TWO splashes, or really, the same splash as seen from two DCUs.
And yet they left Green Arrow & Speedy in there. Earth-Two GA died in COIE#12. Did Roy Thomas ever tell any storyabout if this was a mistake or just DC considering GA to have always been Silver Age?
ReplyDeleteI think he did mention it in a later letters column as a mistake, but I don't think he wrote a story around it.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I see it as one of the various shockwaves of continuity to hit the DCU at the time. Another would be Hawkworld, coming out after E1 Hawkman and Hawkwoman appear in JLI.
Who's the white Black Panther in lederhosen next to Doctor Fate?
ReplyDeleteOn reflection, probably not a good idea to start asking questions like that, there could be a looooot more.
ReplyDeleteThat's the original Atom!
ReplyDelete(squints) Oh, he doesn't actually have little ears on his mask, they're just shading effects.
ReplyDeleteIt's all Doctor Mid-Nite's pants' fault!
ReplyDeleteThis is utterly magnificent!