"A Thankless Task" from Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #0 (1994) by Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway |
Yeah, not much Extraordinary Ordway there, sorry, and all for the sake of a joke. Zero Hour was heir to Crisis on Infinite Earths, required to fix the bugs Crisis had failed to fix, or to put it better, had created itself. And of course, caused problems of its own. Hardest hit was the Legion of Super-Heroes which started on its journey to unlimited reboots, feels like (that included Valor). "Fixing" Hawkman actually made things worse too. LEGION to REBELS wasn't my favorite change either. Hal Jordan's death and redemption, I suppose was a necessary piece of the Green Lantern puzzle. The only series "born" of Zero Hour with any lasting power or critical success was Starman, launched along with turkeys like Extreme Justice, Fate, Primal Force, Manhunter (the one no one remembers) and Xenobrood. Yeeech.
That post title is me being facetious. I've enjoyed the the almost three years of running this little side-blog, but now the whiteness has come over it and I'm ending it. I started showcasing splash pages from across all of comicdom, then gave myself more structure by splashing DC Comics series alphabetically. Now that this structure is complete (or as complete as I care to make it), I think I'm done. I need to time to work on other projects. Still, more than a thousand splashes for your consideration in the backlog. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks to all the artists featured for the work they've given us over the last dozen decades.