"Batman Doesn't Fear the Fire" from Justice League of America vol.1 #254 (DC, 1986) by Gerry Conway, Luke McDonnell and Bill Wray |
I could have used a splash from the classic Silver Age JLofA. Or one from the Satellite Era. But nooooo. I had to pick something from Justice League Detroit. GET OVER IT! Anyway, it's Batman getting close to a flaming Despero and not even FLINCHING. JLDetroit was better than you remember, yo.
You know...actually JLA Detroit wasn't that bad!
ReplyDeleteAnd by today's Justice League standard, it was positively brilliant.
ReplyDeleteNo, I bought the Detroit years new off the spinner rack, it really was that bad. Why did I keep buying it? Umm...
ReplyDeleteWas it though? WAS IT?
ReplyDeleteYou're making me want to reread the whole thing, which I haven't since they came out.
But Aquaman then Batman as leaders. Despero comes to Earth. Dale Gunn on Zatanna. Vixen. J'Onn. Ralph AND Sue. I don't think the three noobs could really ruin it.
Maybe it doesn't scream JUSTICE LEAGUE, but then, neither did the Blue&Gold/Fire&Ice era. It was more of an Avengers Academy or an Outsiders. Except not awful like the Outsiders were. Damn it, too much stuff to read, both old and new.
Well, they weren't badly made comics, particularly the Paris Cullins drawn ones. But, even as a 15 year-old, I could deduce the cynical reasoning behind the changes. JLA hadn't been selling well beforehand, mainly due to Don Heck's inappropriate art and Gerry Conway's same-old same-old stories. So obviously the solution was to turn the title into a New Teen Titans/X-men rip-off not even as good as DNAgents. I mostly still blame Gerry Conway :-)
ReplyDeleteFrankly I love Ralph and Sue, I like Aquaman J'onn, and I'd kill to have that lineup again.
ReplyDeleteYou can have J'Onn, but he comes with Vibe and Gypsy. It's a bit of a monkey's paw.